Milk Type: Cow
Milk Treatment: Pasteurized
Rennet: Vegetarian
Style: Washed Rind
Texture: Soft
Age: 4-8 Weeks
Size: 2lb Wheel
Elsa Mae
Calkins Creamery - Honesdale, Pennsylvania
A creamy, buttery, and yeasty washed rind cheese pioneered by cheesemaker James Regelsky at Calkins Creamery in Pennsylvania. When young, the wheels smell of fruit and yeast and have a pale tawny color. They are washed every 3 days with a b-linens based salt brine to develop the rind. Over the course of their aging, the rinds turn deep orange in color, and the paste undergoes a metamorphosis from being pudgy and custardy to silky, satiny and gooey. The flavor is light, briny and buttery, like a Cerignola olive in cheese form! The cheese is named after the top milk producing cow at Calkins Creamery. Aged 4-8 weeks.