Library of Cheese

All of Saxelby’s selections organized from A to Z

Kind of Blue cheese
Cheese Stats

Milk Type: Cow

Milk Treatment: Pasteurized

Rennet: Animal

Style: Blue

Texture: Semi-Firm

Age: 2-3 Months

Size: 4lb Wheel


Kind of Blue

Woodcock Farm - Weston, Vermont

A gooey American blue that could rival the sweet, decadent, and puddle-icious Gorgonzola Cremificato from Italy. The blue veining is sparse, giving this cheese a delicate balance of flavor that ranges from milky sweetness, to peanutty flavors, to briny, and occasionally hints of rich cocoa and barnyard. Aged for 2 months.

Cheese Stats

Milk Type: Cow

Milk Treatment: Raw

Rennet: Animal

Style: Natural Rind

Texture: Semi-Firm

Age: 2-3 Months

Size: 4lb Wheel


Kinsman Ridge

Landaff Creamery - Landaff, New Hampshire

A tomme-style cheese from Landaff Creamery that is their second contribution to the collection of the Cellars at Jasper Hill. Coated with a downy, earthy rind, Kinsman Ridge calls to mind the famed French cheese St Nectaire. The cheeses are aged for 2-3 months, during which time they develop a rich, milky flavor graced with notes of earth, mushrooms, and pungent wet straw.

Kunik cheese
Cheese Stats

Milk Type: Goat and Cow

Milk Treatment: Pasteurized

Rennet: Vegetarian

Style: Bloomy Rind

Texture: Soft

Age: 4-6 Weeks

Size: 1lb Wheel



Nettle Meadow Farm - Warrensburg, New York

Kunik is dreamy mold-ripened cheese made from goats’ milk spiked with fresh Jersey cream in the Adirondack Mountains. When young, Kunik has the texture of cold butter, and is light, tangy, and crème-fraiche-y in flavor. As it ripens, it becomes more supple, loose, and gamey, the goaty flavors becoming more assertive. Kunik is delightful at any state of ripeness, and deserves a much-coveted place in your belly. As we like to say here at Saxelby Cheese - it’s kind of like gelato with a rind. Aged 4-6 weeks.

Cheese Illustration Credits: Debra Ziss

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